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Google Alert - paid ads

=== News - 29 new results for [paid ads] ===

Egypt pulls TV ads warning foreigners may be spies
Kansas City Star
State TV at the time aired alleged phone conversations with witnesses who
said protesters were paid in euros and infiltrated by foreigners. "Nothing
has changed and the ... campaign has been one of the state intelligence
tricks" to turn the public ...
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ComScore Says Facebook Ads Do Work, and it Will Prove it Soon
Mobile & Apps
... ads don't work, comScore begs to differ - and has just the numbers to
prove it. The research firm teased a new report set to be released this
week, presenting "new findings about the effectiveness of paid and earned
media exposure on Facebook.
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ComScore: Facebook Advertising Works & They Will Publish The Paper To Prove
by Michael H. Berkens comScore thinks Facebook advertising works and going
to publish a white paper and its findings next week. "comScore is
preparing to publish new findings about the effectiveness of paid and
earned media exposure on Facebook next ...
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Washington Post's sad decline raises tricky questions in US
The Guardian
Print advertising has shrivelled by 53% in that period. As for digital ad
revenue, and supposed salvation, that's down too – by 8% in the new
returns. Amazingly, it too has slipped back over the past five years. In
short, everything's shrinking: the ...
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Microsoft opts to keep advertisers off track
An old saw has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted — the
trouble is, no one knows which half. In the Internet age, at least in
theory, this fraction can be much reduced. By watching what people search
for, click on and say online, ...
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Google Defends Against Claims of Rigged Search Results
IDG News Service
Senior VP of Engineering Amit Singhal wrote that Google's natural search
results are never influenced by payment and that its "ads and commercial
experiences are clearly labeled and distinct from the unpaid results, and
we recently announced new ...
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Egypt pulls TV spots warning against talking to foreigners who may be spies
Washington Post
But Maher demanded parliament summon Minister of Information Ahmed Anis, a
former army general, over "such sneaky" advertisements. Anis, according
to the media official, asked "media experts" to examine the content and
decide whether to ban the ...
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Riding to the Brass Monkey - striking a balance
While Google is still experimenting with possible layouts, it appears that
Google Shopping Ads will be more appealing than existing paid search
results and no doubt a lot more expensive for advertisers to buy. While
introducing the ability to sell ...
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Tit-for-tat continues between campaigns
Richmond Times Dispatch
President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney are
out with new TV ads in Virginia and other swing states. Romney's ad touts
his record as Massachusetts governor. The ad from Obama's re-election
campaign takes aim at Congress ...
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In a world of super PACs, Mitt Romney rules
Boston Globe
The group, Restore Our Future, capitalized on Romney's support to raise $57
million by the end of April and has become one of the most powerful forces
in the race for the White House - the financial engine behind the fusillade
of broadcast ads, ...
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In US Senate race, GOP rivals accuse Nelson of campaigning at taxpayer
Orlando Sentinel
Connie Mack IV battles Republican primary opponents and conservative
organizations spend millions of dollars on issues ads in Florida's US
Senate race this spring, their ultimate target is biding his time. US Sen.
Bill Nelson, a two-term Democratic ...
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Facebook's Long-Term Problem
Apparently, now if you "Like" something, you might show up as a paid ad in
your friends' news feeds (not the column of ads at the right). And there's
no way to turn this off. My first thought was: how is this different from
Beacon, the much-maligned ...
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We need something clever and cheap to replace 'Say WA'
I mean clever words dreamed up by modern-day Mad Men and paid for with
hard-earned tax dollars. We were certain that placing "Say WA" on
billboards and in full-page ads in Sunset Magazine would make our state the
next Florida, if not France.
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Citizens ruling is a threat to democracy
Concord Monitor
New Hampshire voters have only begun seeing what will become a flood of ads
paid for by groups like Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS, Restore America PAC and
Americans for Prosperity, a PAC supported by the billionaire industrialist
Koch brothers.
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Politicians should heed Wisconsin results
Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman
Remember all those ads promoting our current oil tax structure? Who paid
for those ads? Big Labor. Who has gotten their way for six years running
now? Big Labor. It's easy to understand why Big Labor wants to bloat our
state budget with higher taxes ...
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Presidential Political News June 10
WTVY, Dothan
Reporter: AP WASHINGTON (AP) -- Independent Republican groups are heavily
outspending their cross-party counterparts on television advertising in the
campaigns for the White House and control of the Senate. That's eating into
President Barack Obama's ...
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FARINELLA: MIAA passes the buck
Attleboro Sun Chronicle
The full committee voted 15-2 on May 9 to send it to the TMC the next day,
and the hard work paid off. Satisfied with the changes, and aware that the
MIAA's finance and sports medicine committees also supported the new plan,
the TMC voted 10-4 to ...
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Back from oblivion, Russian fraudster pushes new scam
Cheekily, his ads warned "pyramids are dangerous for your financial
health." Soon after the breakup of the Soviet Union, up to 15 million
people invested in coloured bills bearing Mavrodi's face. Reportedly 50
people committed suicide after the scheme ...
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Ernst: Tourism officials' calculated giveaways
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
The poor hacks from Boston, New York or maybe Germany get a free vacation
in a waterfront paradise, then get paid to talk about their experiences. If
this is manipulation, it's a benevolent version. I want to be a travel
writer when I grow up.
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Adultmoda Launches Mobile Redirect Solution
AVN News (press release)
CYBERSPACE—Adultmoda has announced the launch of a high-paying adult
mobile redirect solution for adult sites that do not have a mobile version.
Research shows that as much as 23 percent of website traffic may be coming
from mobile devices such as ...
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Kardashian Sisters React to QuickTrim Lawsuit
Gather Celebs News Channel
The suit claims that the reality sisters made false statements regarding
the effects of the product through magazine ads, commercials, and even
social media. On Twitter, Kim said, "Our QuickTrim cleanse will be massive!
Khloe has already lost so much ...
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Nonprofit offers patent help to inventors
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Musachio paid thousands of dollars to lawyers to help him patent two
electric car-charging methods in the early 1990s. He also paid a lawyer to
file the paperwork for a compact exercise device he patented in 2000 called
the KEFTY (Kinesthetic Exerciser ...
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Facebook App Center Launched for Web and Mobile
"We are largely an advertising company, and we continue to make our money
that way. Now the more applications that people use, that are social, that
they share, of course that benefits us," said Facebook's director of
developer products Doug Purdy.
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Sign proposed to help promote downtown Valparaiso events
In addition to a height variance, the city is seeking variances to allow it
to be internally lit, to carry ads for off-premises activities related to
the downtown and be within the sight distance requirements of the
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Different Views: What does Wisconsin mean for the November elections?
Delmarva Now
Another winner was the strategy of counting on the ignorance of voters who
have fallen under the spell of TV ads based not on fact, but on vitriol. It
happened in Wisconsin and it will happen wherever people don't bother to
educate themselves to the ...
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Lenny Henry changes his tune
I just thought, 'Well, comedy's paid for my mum's house', so I decided to
say no." Impersonating singers was what threw him into the limelight at a
young age, with Stevie Wonder and Elvis among his star turns. "I loved
Elvis. We had pictures of him all ...
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The one person truly out of touch
How can these phantom workers be paid? Then came the bombshell to top off
the worse week of his presidency: "The private sector is doing fine."
What? You could hear a pin drop as the reporters gathered to hear the
president attempted to digest that ...
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North Central College taking methodical steps forward in search for new
Naperville Sun
With the exhaustive position specification document completed and posted
online, and the vacancy noted in trade publication ads, the presidential
search committee is soliciting nominations and applications for the 10th
top administrator in the ...
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Corbin comes to Walnut Grove's aid
Dayton Daily News
A new streamlined board of directors came up with a plan for selling ads on
the tees. There also was a silent auction, a successful membership drive
and an enthusiastic response to the pledge program. Corbin taped and paid
for a radio commercial ...
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=== Blogs - 1 new result for [paid ads] ===

Advertising & Customer Experience Marketing Webinar | UsefulArts.us
By Dave Wieneke
The brand whose customers tell the best stories wins. This looks at firms
that create customer experiences that amplify and sometimes replace paid

=== Web - 3 new results for [paid ads] ===

Can i make pay per click ads popup and get paid same amount ...
If i have a website and pay per click ads on them,…

IMVU - View topic - Creator Ad Pop-Up: Paid Advertising
Pop-up ads? Do you not realise how much people hate pop-up ads? Are you not
aware of how many people use pop-up blockers? I'd pay for advertising ON

classifieds Payment / Free listings
I would like to be able to have both free ads and paid ads with the paid
ads always being displayed before the free ones, Also can i set it were
free ads expire in ...

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